Zika Outbreak: WHO's Global Emergency Response Plan
WHO has launched a global Strategic Response Framework and Joint Operations Plan to guide the international response to the spread of...

Nigeria: HIV/Aids - 58,000 Babies Are Born With Virus Annually in Nigeria - UNAIDS
Despite the decline in the HIV/AIDS new infection and deaths, a total of 58,000 babies are born annually with the AIDS virus in Nigeria...

Putting household water treatment products to the test
WHO’s new International Scheme to Evaluate Household Water Treatment (HWT) Technologies ensures that products used to treat water in...

Zika Virus Update
Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. The most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and...

Silicosis - On The Rise?
Whilst silica is a naturally occurring substance found in most rocks, clay and sand, when it is processed in any way whether through...

New plan to help end tuberculosis by 2035
But ridding the planet of curable and preventable tuberculosis will tax the world’s existing resources. Unless there is a complete...

Swaziland close to eliminating malaria
The tiny landlocked kingdom of Swaziland is likely to become the first country in southern Africa to eliminate malaria. With only 603...